Different sections of man’s life – 2020, Linocut prints, Collage and Drawings. Various sizes from W6’’ X H8’’ to W24” X H36”.
COVID-19 crisis during 2020., subsequent lockdown, quarantine, social distancing and more than anything else uncertainty about all aspects of life, made me reflect on the different phases of man’s life. Youth and happiness about the bright future; self-confidence and obsession with physical pleasure; desire for more money and power that ultimately drains you and ruins your body and soul.
Configuration - Creation - 2011, Print from etched copper plate W 9'' X H 12''
Yin Yang - 2011, Print from etched copper plate W 9'' X H 12''
No Mess or No Mas - 2011, Print from etched copper plate W 9'' X H 12''